Main Presentation: “Cancer Management with ANGIOSTOP” by Tsu-Tsair Chi, NMD, PhD
Fingernails, tongue and other physical markers can show early signs of cancer. Two of the most important and highly noticeable markers are the lack of lunulae (white half moons on the base of the nails) and teeth marks. In fact, up to 80% of cancer patients have both these markers.
Lack of Lunulae and Angiogenesis
If you have no moons or lunulae on the nails, this is a sign of poor circulation which causes angiogenesis to occur faster. Angiogenesis is the process of new blood vessel formation which drives cancer growth. When circulation is not enough, the body will try to compensate for this by producing more new blood vessels. Dr. William Li, MD, President of the Angiogenesis Foundation, explained that tumors start out as microscopic cancer cells just waiting to grow. In fact, studies show that 40% of 40-year-old women already have microscopic breast cancer, 50% of 50 to 60 year old men already have microscopic prostate cancer, and 100% of men and women will have microscopic thyroid cancers by the time they hit their 70s. Most of these cancers will not grow but are just waiting for angiogenesis in order to grow wild. So if circulation is poor, this can trigger the release of angiogenic factors that promote angiogenesis in these microscopic cancer cells and make the cancer grow bigger. VEGFR (Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor) is the main angiogenic factor that promotes angiogenesis and is actually expressed in all types of cancer. Angiostop inhibits VEGFR and other growth factor receptors so it is able to effectively manage angiogenesis.
Insulin Resistance and Cancer
Teeth marks are indentations on the edges of your tongue which signify insulin resistance. This means that once food and water are digested, nutrients and sugar are unable to go to their target tissues or organs for utilization. Many studies have discovered the strong link between high insulin and cancer. Colorectal cancer risk is 17% to 42% higher; gastric cancer is 69% to 101%; breast cancer is 200% to 300% higher; liver cancer is 240% higher; prostate cancer risk is up to 562% higher; and endometrial cancer risk can rise up to 4500% higher. Inhibiting the insulin-like growth factor receptor (IGFR) is an important strategy in cancer, especially if you have teeth marks. IGFR is, in fact, expressed in almost all types of cancer. But so far no IGFR inhibitor drug has been approved yet. Taking Angiostop has been shown to inhibit IGFR by 19%, according to a Research Genetic Cancer Center test. Reducing insulin resistance is also vital to reducing cancer risk. Since insulin resistance is related to estrogen dominance, controlling estrogen levels is important. Myomin can be added to help correct estrogen dominance and manage insulin resistance.
Estrogen Dominance Promotes Cancer
When you see strawberry dots on the tongue, this is a marker of estrogen dominance. As mentioned, estrogen dominance can promote many hormone-related cancers like breast, ovarian, prostate or thyroid cancer. To help manage estrogen-responsive cancers, Angiostop can be combined with Myomin, an aromatase reducer supplement that reduces estrogen and increases testosterone. Cherry angiomas on the chest or abdomen can also be a sign of estrogen dominance, specifically of hormone related cancer like breast or prostate cancer. So if you see these, Myomin should be added.
Nail Clubbing and Lung Cancer If you have nail clubbing on opaque nails, especially if you also have a chronic dry cough, this may indicate lung cancer risk. EGFR (epidermal growth factor receptor) is one of the main targets in lung cancer. Tarceva, an EGFR inhibitor drug, is typically recommended for lung cancer. However, it is generally only effective for 9 months before patients acquire resistance. Adding Angiostop will provide a synergistic effect because it inhibits not just EGFR but also other growth factor receptors expressed in lung cancer.
About Tsu-Tsair Chi, NMD, PhD
Dr. Chi earned his PhD in biochemistry from Rutgers University in 1978. He has extensive experience in infectious diseases and cancer screening at pharmaceutical companies like ER Squibb and Warner Lambert/Parke-Davis. He then became a certified naturopath. In 1986, Dr. Chi founded Chi’s Enterprise, Inc. where he combines innovative and natural remedies and an amazingly accurate noninvasive diagnostic technique, Fingernail and Tongue Analysis.
Every year, he teaches the Fingernail and Tongue Analysis method to various health care practitioners in the United States in a series of Board-Approved Continuing Education courses. To date, Dr. Chi has given over 200 lectures In the United States and around the world and continues to be a sought-after lecturer and keynote speaker at various medical conventions, including American College for Advancement in Medicine, Parker Chiropractic College, Texas College of Chiropractic, California Chiropractic Association, Michigan Association of Chiropractors, Alaska Chiropractic Society, American Chiropractic Association Council on Nutrition, American Naturopathic Medical Association, Orthomolecular Health Medicine Society, and Cancer Control Society, among others.
Dr. Chi has published several books on Fingernail and Tongue Analysis and Herbal Formulas. He has also written over 30 published articles at publications such as the International Journal for Integrative Oncology, Townsend Letter, Chiropractic Economics, Journal of the American Naturopathic Medical Association, and Nutritional Perspectives: Journal of the American Chiropractic Association Council on Nutrition.
He has developed over 50 natural supplements; two of the most important ones are Myomin and Angiostop. Myomin is the only natural supplement proven to reduce DNA expression of aromatase and effectively lowers estradiol and increases testosterone. Angiostop is a sea cucumber extract that inhibits 5 different growth factor receptors. It became available long before conventional angiogenesis and RTK inhibitor drugs gained popularity. Dr. Chi’s natural supplements are available worldwide, including Canada, Europe, Asia and Australia.
Short Presentation: “The Role of the Mind in Resolving Major Health Issues” by Dan Ross CHT, MNLP
The mind and body aren’t just connected – they are part of the same system. Our thought patterns and unconscious beliefs can contribute to disease, or they can be instrumental in healing from a health crisis. From the first symptom to final resolution, how a patient represents disease in their mind will affect their healing journey. Using Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Hypnosis, unconscious beliefs and internal conflicts can be elicited from a client and transformed into allies in healing the body.
Dan will discuss cases from his practice, including complimentary healing for cancer and autoimmune diseases. He will do a live demonstration of how our minds are programmed, and describe how to shift that programming to facilitate health and healing.
About Dan Ross, CHT, MNLP
Dan is a Health-Certified Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Hypnotherapist. He has been coaching people for over 20 years. He is a member of Integrated Healing Arts in Palo Alto and maintains a hypnotherapy practice in San Jose. His programs for groups and individuals have helped hundreds of people reduce stress and anxiety, lose weight, stop smoking, become happier, and improve their health. His specialty is doing deep work with clients to clear limiting beliefs and resolve unconscious inner conflicts to facilitate healing.
For more info, read the newsletter.
NOTE: Meeting starts promptly at 7pm. Main speaker presentation begins at 7:20 p.m.