Main Presentation: “Inside The EPA: Your Health At Risk” by E.G. Vallianatos, Ph.D
Dr. Vallianatos will discuss his book “Poison Spring” which documents in detail the EPA’s corruption and misuses of science and public trust. In its half century of existence, the EPA has repeatedly reinforced the chemical industrial complex by endorsing deadly chemicals, botching field investigations and turning a blind eye to toxic disasters and swallowing the claims of the industry. Come find out from an EPA insider about how the EPA has allowed our lands and waters to be poisoned with more toxic chemicals than ever.
About E.G. Vallianatos, Ph.D
E.G. Vallianatos completed his PhD in European and Greek History at the University of Wisconsin and completed post doctoral studies in the history of science at Harvard University.
He worked on Capital Hill in the areas of international food and agriculture politics and development as well as for the UN Development Program.
He worked for the US Environmental Protection Agency for 25 years where he saw the workings of this organization from the inside.
Short Presentation: “Mind Mending With LENS (Low Energy Neuro Feedback System)” by Len Ochs, Ph.D
LENS was developed over 15 years ago by Len Ochs, PhD. This gentle, non-invasive neuro and bio feedback technique is helping people all over the world regain brain function and reclaim their lives! This can be viewed as a way to painlessly “re-boot” and “re-energize” the brain, allowing greater ease in learning, work, and play. The results include clearer thinking, better sleep, emotions that are easier to manage and better memory.
About Len Ochs, Ph.D
Len Ochs, PhD, has worked as a school psychologist between 1965 and 1973, and as a psychologist between 1975 and 2008. With some grade-school training in electronics, he began his career in biofeedback in 1975. His early computerization of biofeedback aided by computer language instruction in his doctoral program, led him to be declared a Pioneer in Computerized biofeedback by the Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback. After 15 years of experience using all forms of biofeedback he began to specialize in neurofeedback. In 1990 he discovered a way to accelerate the response to neurofeedback, and did so another way in 2018, to begin to turn neurofeedback into a tool that can more rapidly bring improvements in cognition, movement, emotional control, and pain. The trainings and work initiated by Ochs, but carried on by hundreds of others, are said to be responsible for the improvements in functioning of over 80,000 individuals as of 2008, out of perhaps 100,000 clients treated by with this system, called the Low Energy Neurofeedback System (the LENS) in one iteration, and the Feather in another. He is neither an owner or employee of OchsLabs. and receives no income from OchsLabs. He is in private practice in Sebastopol, CA, USA, and specialized in the development and use of the LENS.
For more info, read the newsletter.
NOTE: Meeting starts promptly at 7pm. Main speaker presentation begins at 7:20 p.m.
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