Please Bring Your Vittles To Share At Our 2018 Annual Holiday Potluck
Main Presentation: “Hidden In Plain Sight: Revealing The Invisible Toxins In Our Homes That Wreak Havoc On Our Immune System” by Beth Greer
Modern life exposes us to chemicals that may be subtly or profoundly impacting our health. We absorb toxins in what we eat and drink, the products we put on our skin, and what we surround ourselves with in our homes. This presentation will energize and invigorate you as you learn steps to take to reduce exposure, nourish your health and that of future generations, and transform your home into a safe, healing sanctuary.
About Beth Greer, The Super Natural Mom®
Beth Greer, the Super Natural Mom®, is a foremost expert on sustainable and toxin-free living. She is an award-winning journalist, recently named one of the Top 50 Health & Environmental Journalists to Follow, and is the author of the best-selling book, “Super Natural Home” (endorsed by Deepak Chopra and Ralph Nader).
Beth experienced first-hand the powerful benefits of holistic, toxin-free living. She eliminated a sizable tumor in her chest without drugs or surgery by detoxing her body and her home, and, she found powerful holistic approaches that helped her teenaged daughter overcome ADHD and addiction to drugs and alcohol.
As a consultant and speaker, Beth assists individuals and organizations in creating toxin-free, holistic home and work environments and lifestyles that improve health, mood and performance. She is the former President of the Learning Annex. A short list of clients include: Google, LinkedIn, NBC, NPR, Rodale Wellness, Martha Steward Living, Health Magazine, Prevention Magazine and CNN. Learn more at
For more info, read the newsletter.
NOTE: Meeting starts promptly at 7pm. Main speaker presentation begins at 7:20 p.m.
Join us! $10 at the door, or join as a Member to the right and get a 50% reduced admission price.
What happened to the original speaker on vaccines? I was really interested in that one!
Hi Laurie,
Unfortunately Dr. Cowan had to cancel in the last moment, but we will try to have him back early next year. Happy Holidays!