Main Presentation: “Small Things Big Results: How to Manage Your Thyroid Condition” by Roderick Lane, ND, PhD
November 10th, 2020 @ 8am to 10am PST
Simple changes can make great results in our health. Roderick will discuss various hacks we can do to optimize our thyroid and other medical conditions. For example, if one is taking 125 mcg of Synthroid in the morning, they may have difficulties sleeping between the hours between 2 am to 4 am which is the time during which TSH is at its highest. Various adjustments to the thyroid schedule can affect sleep. Many other suggestions will be discussed.
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About Roderick Lane, ND, PhD
Dr. Roderick Lane has been practicing natural medicine for almost 40 years in London and Jersey. He studied at the Howell College, Shen Don Institute and also studied Classical Chinese Medicine as part of his martial arts training. He specializes in endocrine issues and fertility. Endocrine issues can cover a multitude of problems and symptoms. He is the co-founder of the London College of Natural Medicine which is acknowledged as offering one of the best
naturopathic training in Europe. Since starting the Thyroid Care Group on Facebook with no publications or publicity the group has grown from a few people to almost 2000 worldwide in under two years. This has led to the development of what I call my Thyroid Protocol Roderick aims to make a difference in people’s’ lives and health.