Main Presentation: “New Year’s Resolutions: Reducing Diabetes Symptoms” by Filomena Trindade MD, MPH
December 17th, 2020 @ 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Blood sugar stabilization is essential as each blood sugar spike and dip increases the risk of heart disease and dementia four fold. In addition, blood sugar irregularities causes inflammation and oxidative stress leading to the pathways many chronic diseases. Dr. Trindade will discuss the many factors contributing to diabetes including toxins, diet and life style choices.
Meeting ID: 858 4403 7879
Passcode: 235565
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Meeting ID: 858 4403 7879
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About Filomena Trindade MD, MPH
Filomena Trindade, MD, MPH is an internationally sought after speaker in functional medicine. She is a graduate of the fellowship in Anti-Aging, Regenerative and Functional Medicine and teaches in the Fellowship (a master’s program through the University of South Florida) as well as for the Institute of Functional Medicine (IFM).
After obtaining her BA degree in Biology she obtained a master’s in Public Health and went to medical school. She graduated first in her class in family practice from the University of California Davis School of Medicine and did her residency training in family practice at the U.C. San Francisco/Santa Rosa Program. She has been in clinical practice for over 16 year in a functional medicine practice. She was the medical director of a non-profit organization that
catered to the under-served. She is currently very active in developing teaching programs in Functional Medicine in the USA, Latin America and in Europe.