Main Presentation: “Sarcopenia and Our Health” by Anthony Haynes
January 26th, 2021 @ 9:00 am to 11:00 am PST
Sarcopenia – what it is, it’s massive impact & how to reverse it.
As we get older, we lose muscle mass. This also occurs in some dieting schemes. This has massive impact on our health. Learn how to prevent this and to reverse it.
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About Antony Haynes
Antony has been in private practice for over 25 years and is one of the most experienced Registered Nutritional Therapists in the UK. He is one of the first practitioners to implement the principles of Functional Medicine in the UK, since 1994.
Antony has been teaching for 25 years including at a variety of nutritional colleges (ION, CNELM, BCNH, CNM) and at IFM in the USA, as well as for Nutri-Link Ltd a company he co-founded in 1998. He has presented lectures, seminars and courses on a wide variety of subjects over those years. In particular, Antony has been studying the connection between viruses and bacteria and their role in the pathogenesis of auto-immune conditions. He is
known as the practitioners’ practitioner. He employs his clinical experience in managing the nutritional needs of his patients, which number in excess of 15,000, at his clinic, The Nutrition Clinic Ltd. in Harley Street, London. He is also a successful, award-winning author of two books on nutrition.