Main Presentation : “Vitamin D and Your Health” by Carole Baggerly
April 13th, 2021 @ 11:00 am PST
Benefits of higher levels of vitamin D include a reduced risk of several diseases and health conditions. Vitamin D is instrumental in maintaining health. It can reduce inflammation, oxidative stress, and help with unhealthy guts – three triggers to set one on a path towards chronic diseases. Studies have shown its associations with flu, pregnancy, athletic performance, autism, ADHD, dental caries, sleep, verbal fluency, cognitive decline, dementia, erectile dysfunction, testosterone, surgery recovery and overall mortality. Recent studies have shown it was helpful in covid patients, and this was even discussed in the UK parliament. The sun is a primary source of vitamin D. Other sources of vitamin D are supplements and diet although it is difficult to get much from diet, especially for vegans and vegetarians. Those most likely to have low levels of vitamin D include people who are indoors most of the time, especially at mid-day; dark skinned people and people over age 60.
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About Carole Baggerly
In 2007, as Carole was recovering from breast cancer treatment, she stumbled upon a web site which touted vitamin D levels as being important, even preventive, for breast cancer.
After more research she found that indeed this research was REAL. Why had she never heard it before? Could she have prevented her breast cancer? She started by garnering the support of many vitamin D researchers and GrassrootsHealth was born – with the mission of moving those researchers’ findings into practice! GrassrootsHealth has a partnership with 48 World- Renown Vitamin d Researchers from around the world. She also focuses on many other natural substances that are instrumental for our health Their mission is to make vitamin D testing and monitoring part of the standard of care for ALL people.