Main Presentation:”Beyond The Mask: How To Survive COVID-19″ by Steven Blake, ScD
August 20th, 2020 @ 7pm to 9pm PST
Dr. Steve will discuss how to boost immune power and making it hard for the virus to attach and replicate in our bodies. He has searched the scientific medical journals, and explains why so many people get no symptoms when exposed to COVID 19 Building one’s immunity is essential.
The human immune system can kill off invading viruses effectively if it has the necessary nutrients. Many of these nutrients needed by the immune system are essential vitamins and minerals. The science points out that two of these nutrients stand out as being crucial in correcting the decline of the immune system in old age.
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About Steve Blake, ScD
Steve Blake, Doctor of Science, is faculty nutritional biochemist at Hawaii Pacific Neuroscience.
He has offered many classes at the University of Hawaii. He designed and ran the Hawaii Dementia Prevention Trial, a clinical study at the Hawaii Alzheimer’s Disease Center. He is author of the 2008 McGraw-Hill college textbook Vitamins and Minerals Demystified, A Nutritional Approach to Alzheimer’s Disease, Mastering Migraines, Parkinson’s Disease: Dietary Regulation of Dopamine, Stop Strokes before they Start, and Understanding Fats and Oils. He has written Mosby’s Alternative Remedies and is co-author of Mosby’s Drug Guide for Nurses, 4th edition. He also authored the Diet Doctor, software for analyzing dietary nutrients. Steve Blake attended the University of California. He is a research specialist in nutritional biochemistry.