May 18, 2017 Meeting: Autoimmune Disease by Dr. Tom O’Bryan

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Main Presentation: Autoimmune Disease by Dr. Tom O’Bryan Autoimmune diseases are a primary cause of morbidity and mortality in the industrialized world.  The number of people diagnosed with an autoimmune disease is increasing exponentially in our country.  . Without recognizing and addressing the underlying mechanisms triggering the presenting complaints, the Practitioner may be proverbially ‘chasing the tail’ of the […]

February 16, 2017 Meeting: “Cancer Management with ANGIOSTOP” by Tsu-Tsair Chi, NMD, PhD

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Main Presentation: “Cancer Management with ANGIOSTOP” by Tsu-Tsair Chi, NMD, PhD Fingernails, tongue and other physical markers can show early signs of cancer. Two of the most important and highly noticeable markers are the lack of lunulae (white half moons on the base of the nails) and teeth marks. In fact, up to 80% of cancer […]

January 19, 2017 Meeting: “What is food sensitivity and why does it matter?” by Joseph Smith, D.C., D.A.C.N.B., F.A.C.F.N.

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Main Presentation: What is food sensitivity and why does it matter? by Joseph Smith, D.C., D.A.C.N.B., F.A.C.F.N. Food sensitivities can lead to inflammation and set off a long chain of adverse reactions leading to chronic illnesses. Foods need to be broken down for the body to use. When foods are not broken down and when […]

December 15, 2016 Meeting: “Healing Journeys” by Elize St. Charles, PhD, Palmer Kippola and Cynthia Li, MD

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Main Presentation: “Healing Journeys” Panel Speaker: Elize St. Charles, PhD Elize St. Charles, PhD, has been involved in alternative and complementary healing modalities for more than 30 years. With her extensive understanding of the natural healing arts, Elize has provided health care to people in all walks of life including star athletes, executives, mothers, babies, […]

November 17th, 2016 Meeting: Dr. Dale Bredesen, MD “Reversing Alzheimer’s Disease”

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Main Presentation: “Reversing Alzheimer’s Disease” by Dr. Dale Bredesen, MD Alzheimer’s disease  affects 5 million people  in the U.S. and about 30 million worldwide.  Until now, the prognosis seemed poor for this population  Dale Bredesen MD, the founding president of the Buck Institute for Research on Aging, has developed a program which has had success […]

October 20th 2016 Meeting: Dr. Peter Glidden, ND “The Cause and the Cure – of and for – the Worldwide Health Crisis”

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Main Presentation: “The Cause and the Cure – of and for – the Worldwide Health Crisis”by Dr. Peter Glidden, ND All around the world, people are suffering with Chronic Diseases, which in spite of Trillions of dollars of research and millions of hours of clinical expertise, are getting Worse, not Better. The reason that this happening […]

September 15, 2016 Meeting: Filomena Trindade MD, MPH “Diabesity”

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Main Presentation: “Diabesity” by Filomena Trindade MD, MPH Diabetes and obesity are global health conditions which are increasing.   Adult obesity prevalence increased from 13 to 32% between the 1960s and 2004.   Changes in obesity prevalence among children and teens tripled, from nearly 5% to approximately 15% since the 1960s.  Currently, 66% of U.S. adults are overweight […]

May 19, 2016 Meeting: David Traver, MD, FAAP “Research in Autism Risk and Prevention”

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Main Presentation: Research in Autism Risk and Prevention by David Traver, MD, FAAP Dr. Traver earned his undergraduate degree in Biology with high honors from Boston University. After receiving his Doctor of Medicine, he completed his internship and residency in pediatrics at Boston City Hospital, now known as Boston Medical Center. Following this, Dr. Traver served […]

April 21, 2016 Meeting: Russell Jaffe, MD, PhD, CCN “Healthy for Life …Evidence to Support Predictive Biomarkers for Lifetime Health”

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Main Presentation: Healthy for Life … Evidence to Support Predictive Biomarkers for Lifetime Health” by Russell Jaffe MD, PhD, CCN   Chronic health issues precipitate from a myriad of origins. Noticeably, a common set of root causes appear to be Cumulative repair deficits Oxidative damage Metabolic acidosis Evidence based clinical management of long-standing health issues, […]