June 25th, 2020 Meeting (ZOOM): “Maintaining Healthy Immunity” by Thomas Levy, MD, JD

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Main Presentation:” Maintaining Healthy Immunity” by Thoms Levy, MD, JD June 25, 2020 @ 3pm to 5pm PST Zoom Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87501202239?pwd=OGhIdzJzbyt0NTVyTnZZZTJTaEIwZz09 Meeting ID: 875 0120 2239 Password: redox How do we stay healthy in the day of viruses? The CEO of YouTube states they will censor information on vitamin C and Curcumin. What is […]

June 18th, 2020 Meeting (ZOOM): “Challenges of Living Healthy” by Doug Lisle, PhD

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Main Presentation: “Challenges of Living Healthy” by Doug Lisle, PhD June 18th, 2020 @ 7pm  to 9pm PST In this eye-opening and entertaining presentation, psychologist Doug Lisle will explore the hidden forces that make healthful living so surprisingly challenging. You will learn that humans have motivational mechanisms that are stoked by specific chemicals that lead to […]

June 4, 2020 Meeting (ZOOM): “All About COVID-19” With Dolores Cahill, PhD

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Main Meeting: “All About COVID-19” With Dolores Cahill, PhD Dr. Cahill is an expert in virology, has developed safe vaccines, and has expertise in the specificity of antibodies used in research and diagnostic assays. Learn about viruses, staying healthy the role of vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, and hydroxychloroquine. Time: Thursday, Jun 4, 2020 @ 3pm […]

May 29, 2020 Meeting (ZOOM): “How to Keep Our Immunity Strong” with Natasha Campbell McBride, MD

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Main Presentation: “How to Keep Our Immunity Strong” with Natasha Campbell McBride, MD MEETING ANNOUNCEMENT   Friday, May 29, 2020 @ 9am to 11am PST   “How to Keep Our Immunity Strong” with Natasha Campbell McBride, MD (The founder of the GAPS diet for natural digestive healing)   Join Zoom meeting by web: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89728045604?pwd=b3VtUXFnN1BZUnpZTzhMTGhkelMvZz09 Meeting ID: […]

May 21, 2020 Meeting (ZOOM) : “Natural Anti-Viral Self Defense” with Steve Fowkes

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Main Presentation: “Natural Anti-Viral Self Defense” with Steve Fowkes Join Zoom Meeting via the Web https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85298444731?pwd=Y0dFR0lSZ3ZlZVl0R3dJdHo3eFFGdz09 Meeting ID: 852 9844 4731 Online password: SVHI-one   Join meeting by phone One tap mobile +16699009128,,85298444731#,,1#,476180# US (San Jose) +13462487799,,85298444731#,,1#,476180# US (Houston) Dial by your location         +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)   […]

April 16, 2020 Meeting (Cancelled): “Beyond Men Are From Mars and Women Are From Venus” by John Gray

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Main Presentation: “Beyond Men Are From Mars and Women Are From Venus” by John Gray Men and women still need the right tools and skills to help build stronger relation- ships. While previous generations sought “role mate” relationships, based on the more rigid gender roles of the time, today’s couples need a new kind of […]

February 20, 2020 Meeting: “Healthy Solutions for EMF and Solar Radiation Exposure” by Elizabeth Plourde, CLS., NCMP, PhD

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Main Presentation: “Healthy Solutions for EMF and Solar Radiation Exposure” by Elizabeth Plourde, CLS, NCMP, PhD We need the sun. Melanoma has climbed since the introduction of sunscreens, proving Dr. Plourde’s research that they are the totally wrong approach to protecting the skin. While the sun can increase some cancers, there are many skin cancers that are […]

January 16, 2020 Meeting: “Supplements, Intermittent Fasting, And Other Studies For longevity” by Dr. Hong Jiang MD, PhD

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Main Presentation: “Supplements, Intermittent Fasting, And Other Studies  For Longevity” by Dr. Hong Jiang MD, PhD The idea of “going hungry” strikes fear in many of our hearts. But take a breath and consider this: your body is designed to feel hunger and make you stronger. That’s right: it might do you a lot of good! […]