Main Presentation: “What We Learned And Did Not Learn From The Recent Epidemic” by Richard Cheng, MD, PhD
December 15th, 2020 @ 7:00 am to 9:00 am PST
In his extensive collaboration with other scientists and as a traveling liaison to Chinese clinicians, he has a grounding in virus treatment in both the US and China. He will discuss the most important aspect of dealing with the current virus as building immunity. He will discuss one of the major sequalae of the virus – the acute respiratory syndrome which is triggered by oxidative stress and a cytokine storm. He will discuss approaches which heighten our immunity system and improve oxidative stress, inflammation and micro-circulation.
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About Richard Cheng, MD, PhD
Dr. Richard Chen has been a central figure in the International Society of Orthomolecular Medicine and a traveling liaison to the vitamin-C-using medical groups in China. He is the founder and director of Dr. Cheng Integrative Health Center and Doctor’s Anti-Aging and Weight Loss Center, of Columbia, SC, since inception in 2003. Dr. Cheng and his colleagues take an integrative approach to help patients with chronic disease esp. diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Dr. Cheng also serves as consultant to Shenzhen BaoAn Central Hospital and Shenzhen Medical Association, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China. Dr. Cheng is also a consultant to SuHa International Hospital, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China. Dr. Cheng serves on the editorial board of Journal of Nutritional Oncology, China and Orthomolecular Medicine News Service.
In recent years, Dr. Cheng grew particularly interested in functional medicine or anti-aging medicine. The current healthcare focuses on symptomatic treatments for many diseases, ignoring the root causes. For example, when we control the blood sugar of a diabetic patient or the blood pressure of a hypertensive patient, we are only treating the symptoms.
We are not doing anything to the underlying disease processes. Functional medicine tries to holistically address the disease processes in addition to the symptomatic treatment. Dr. Cheng is a Fellow and board certified anti-aging physician by the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) and also a Fellow and board certified, A4m Integrative Cancer Therapy.