Main Presentation : “EMF: Sensitivity and Health Risks” by Guy Hudson
December 1st, 2020 @ 8:00 am to 10:00 am PST
Electromagnetic fields are one of the many environmental toxins that adversely affect our health. It affects all of us to varying degrees. It leads to mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, DNA damage, immune disturbances and both a leaky gut and leaky blood brain barrier. Research studies showed that cell phones and cordless phones
increase the risk of the brain tumors – gliomas and acoustic neuromas.
A pregnant mother’s use of cell phones can change the brain structure of the offspring leading to increased anxiety, hyperactivity and impaired memory in the offspring. Guy will discuss his experiences as an electro sensitive person and his research which has resulted in ways that we can protect ourselves.
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About Guy Hudson
Guy studied physics at University and then learnt how to design cars with an apprenticeship at Land Rover. He specialised in vehicle safety. This was followed by a specialisation in IT for the design of motor cars, and then general IT management consulting.
He developed electromagnetic sensitivity while working nearby to 32 cell masts under test for 3G Data. He then developed sever brain fog, cluster headaches and many other symptoms. After two years of suffering, he stopped being in denial and reduced his electrosmog exposure.
He started a company to do the same for other people. His mission is to protect people by improving their lived environment and to encourage the telecoms industry to develop safer products.