Main Presentation: “Lyme Disease: The Pathway To Health” by Becky Plotner, N.D
Dec 21st, 2021 @ 4:30 pm EST
The etiologic infectious agent, Borrelia burgdorferi was identified by Wilhelm “Willy” Burgdorfer it in 1981 and, since the original observation limited to arthritis, the clinical spectrum of the infection now includes a variety of clinical conditions such as erythema migrans, acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans, lymphadenosis benigna cutis, arthritis, myocarditis, neuroborreliosis (meningo-encephalitis, meningo-radiculitis, meningitis), myositis and various ocular and skin disorders.
About Dr. Becky Plotner, ND
Becky Plotner is a Board Certified Naturopathic Doctor through the American Naturopathic Medical Certification Board. She is a traditional naturopath, Certified GAPS Practitioner, Doctor of Pastoral Sciences, and was deemed “The GAPS Expert” by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride in 2017. She is classified as a practitioner literate in Lyme, literate in Iodine and literate in chelation. She writes on her site, Nourishing Plot, with GAPS compliant help outside of appointments. She serves on Dr Natasha’s GAPS Board of Directors, is on the GAPS Staff as an instructor teaching Certified GAPS Practitioners in Training, as well as Certified GAPS Coaches in training. She wrote the book “GAPS, Stage by Stage, With Recipes”, alongside Dr Natasha as well as the book “Probiotic Foods vs Commercial Probiotics”. Dr Natasha asked her to write the GAPS Baby book and is also working on a book on her own recovery from stage 4 Cancer. As a Naturopathic Doctor, her specialty is GAPS, which is the main focus of her clinic in N. Georgia, just south of the Tennessee border in the United States. Plotner has spoken at Annual Weston A. Price Conferences on GAPS and speaks on GAPS at many meetings promoting the power of foods. She has been published in “The Wise Traditions Journal”, most recently with an article in the last Summer 2021 issue. She has appeared on many television and radio shows teaching people how to cook GAPS foods. Plotner came to GAPS when her son was 4.5, with autism, ADHD, hypoglycemia, bipolar, and dyslexia. He recovered from the lion’s share of his issues within the first year and has been neurotypical since. As a result of their family switching their food, Plotner recovered from 8 autoimmune diseases, Stage 2 Spinal Degeneration, heavy metal poisoning, Stage 4 Adrenal Fatigue, and cancer. She owes her life to the incredible power of food, and blames her former illnesses on things that looked like food, but weren’t. She lives with her husband on a small 2.6 acre farm in the city, a “Gentleman’s Farm”, with their two sons, two pigs, two ducks, two geese, four turkeys, 10 chickens, and meat rabbits that just keep changing in numbers. The biggest member of the family though, is their 12-pound puppy who rules the tiny farm with an iron tail wag.