Main Presentation: “The Preventative Power of Medical Thermal Imaging” by Christine Horner, MD
Feb 13th, 2025 @ 10am PST
What if you had a magical way to see imbalances in your body years before they developed into a real issue or life-threatening problem? What if you were able to always keep tabs on your health, and when an early imbalance was detected, you could easily reverse it with simple diet and lifestyle techniques, therefore preventing the development of anything serious? And what if that technology was affordable, non-invasive, noncontact, pain-free, FDA-approved, and completely safe?
You are in luck! We have that amazing device. It is called “Medical Thermal Imaging”. Using a harmless infrared camera, a picture of your overall state of health can be taken. It allows us to detect physiological changes in your body at a stage so early, they are easily and quickly reversible with simple diet and lifestyle techniques–years before actual structural damage and diseases may occur.
Western medical tests can only pick up issues in your body after structural changes have occurred and at a stage that is difficult to reverse or treat. Because Western Medicine is a disease care system, you have little control over your health decisions and therefore understandably, lots of fear. Thermography, is the opposite. It is all about prevention and empowers you to have control over your health. It is ideal for healthy people, providing assurance and safety by allowing you to monitor your health, pick up imbalances at very early stages, and then observe how small improvements in your diet and lifestyle can easily restore you to balance.
Give yourself the ultimate preventative power with regular thermal imaging. Dr. Christine Horner’s Medical Thermography Group is here to serve you. To learn more, and to schedule an appointment, go to We so look forward to helping you achieve and maintain extraordinary health!
About Christine Horner, MD
She is a board certified and nationally recognized surgeon, author, expert in natural medicine, and a relentless champion for women’s health. She spearheaded legislation in the 1990s that made it mandatory that insurance companies pay for breast reconstruction following mastectomy. She is the author of Waking the Warrior Goddess: Dr. Christine Horner’s Program to Protect Against and Fight Breast Cancer, winner of the Independent Book Publishers Award 2006 for “Best Book in Health, Medicine, and Nutrition” and the author of “Radiant Health Ageless Beauty: Dr. Horner’s 30-Day Program to Extraordinary Health and Longevity, which won the eLit Award in 2017 for “Best Book in Health, Medicine, and Nutrition.”
Dr. Horner has become an expert in thermography, working as an interpreter of thermal imaging since 2017, and in 2022, she opened her own mobile thermal imaging business, “Dr. Christine Horner’s Medical Thermography Group of Southern California.” For more information go to
Short Presentation: “The Oral Microbiome/Gut Connection – how microbes in your mouth affect your gut and overall health” by Christine Rosche MPH, CNS, CBT
About Christine Rosche, MPH, CNS, CBT
Board Certified Nutrition Specialist and Digestive Health Expert developed an integrative approach to digestive health and stress management, based on 25 years experience in the healthcare field.
She developed and taught courses to Stanford University Medical Center and is the author of 2 books, the latest “Light Living, An Integrated Approach to Stress Management and Weight” with companion audio CD program. She has studied and worked with the leading functional and preventive medicine physicians in the United States and Europe/ Christine has maintained a private practice in health counseling since 1983 and specializes in customized stress management/nutrition consulting for all types of stress and digestive issues including constipation, diarrhea, IBS, IBD, Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, SIBO, heartburn, absorption issues, gut permeability. As a Licensed Heartmath (TM) Trainer she is pioneering the work of heart rate variability/biofeedback training for Stress Burnout and Gut Health.
She developed and taught courses to Stanford University Medical Center and is the author of 2 books, the latest “Light Living, An Integrated Approach to Stress Management and Weight” with companion audio CD program. She has studied and worked with the leading functional and preventive medicine physicians in the United States and Europe/ Christine has maintained a private practice in health counseling since 1983 and specializes in customized stress management/nutrition consulting for all types of stress and digestive issues including constipation, diarrhea, IBS, IBD, Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, SIBO, heartburn, absorption issues, gut permeability. As a Licensed Heartmath (TM) Trainer she is pioneering the work of heart rate variability/biofeedback training for Stress Burnout and Gut Health.
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