Main Presentation by Katherine Reid, PhD on “Unblind My Mind – We Are What We Eat”
In 2006, Katherine’s youngest child was diagnosed with autism. Through in depth research, she determined that certain foods common in the Western diet were associated with her daughter’s autistic behaviors. Seeing the profound effect of diet on the brain with many of her clients, she has become a provocateur questioning medical approaches and food manufacturing practices relating to health. Katherine will discuss how food drive behavior and how it impacts our brains. In particular, she will discuss glutamate in its many hidden forms affect on our overall health.
About Katherine Reid, PhD
Katherine Reid, holds PhD in biochemistry and is the Executive Director and founder of Unblind My Mind (, a nonprofit that educates on the links between the foods we eat and the chronic illnesses we suffer. Katherine has over 20 years experience in biotechnology and molecular diagnostics research, training that would find her ideally suited to tackle her most challenging scientific endeavor.
Most recently Katherine has been researching how food influences microbial metabolism and its connection with health and disease. Her knowledge evolved into a treatment program – REID (Reduced Excitatory Inflammatory Diet) that provides the missing links many are searching for in managing or restoring health through diet.
Katherine has presented two TEDx talks, spoke at numerous autism conferences around the country, health summits, and has provided local lectures at schools, health events, and Unblind My Mind organized conference. She was also featured in San Francisco Chronicle, Fox News, NY Daily News, Talk 910am radio, KFIAM 640 radio, Coast to Coast radio, KSCO radio, and various blogs and podcasts.
Short Presentation by Richard Patel, MD and Alex Patel on “Laughter, Humor and Healing”
Health maintenance requires more than exercise and a healthy diet. Stress reduction, mindfulness and humor are important additions for optimal health. Norman Cousins cured his debilitating autoimmune diseases with the help of laughter. Laughter increases endorphins, oxytocin and can burn calories to assist in weight reduction. Laughter can reduce anxiety, depression, stress, as well as reducing blood glucose levels, pain perception, and the risk for heart attacks. Learn about humor, how it affects our brain and physiology and its health benefits.
About Richard Patel, MD and Alex Patel
Richard Patel, MD is a professor of psychiatry at University of California San Francisco (UCSF).
Alex is the instigator of the book P.P.’s Anti-Joke Book & Brief History of Humor. His continued humor about he challenging situations he found in high school was the trigger for collaborating with his father, Rick Patel in exploring this topic and writing their first book.
For more info, read the newsletter.
NOTE: Meeting starts promptly at 7pm. Main speaker presentation begins at 7:20 p.m.