Main Presentation: “Busting Breast Cancer” by Susan Wadia-Ells, PhD
February 25th, 2021 @ 8:00 am to 10:00 am PST
Women, under 45 years old, are seeing a 12% annual increase in invasive breast cancer throughout the United States. But nobody is talking about these numbers, or what could be causing this sharp uptick in breast cancer among women of childbearing age. Dr. Wadia-Ells discussed the adverse effects of birth control pills, hormone replacement drugs and fertility drugs. She also will discuss the importance of vitamin D and other supplements that help block
cancer and balance hormones.
•Birth Control Drugs: Learn the terrible truth
• Vitamin D3: Take the best Busting Breast Cancer step under the sun
• Seven Foods and Seven Supplements: Eat to help block cancer & balance hormones
• When Fertility Drugs Lead to Motherless Children: Are there alternatives?
• The Horrors of Hormone Replacement Drugs: How to safely replace them
• Triple Negative Breast Cancer: Avoid three probable life-style causes
• Thermography: Try this safe way to ID breast inflammation and hot spots
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About Susan Wadia-Ells, PhD
Susan Wadia-Ells is a long-time cultural change agent. During the 1970’s she organized women at Polaroid, creating the first affirmative action program for women within a Fortune 200 corporation, and soon became Polaroid’s corporate affirmative action manager and a mentor to other women’s groups fighting for equal pay, training, benefits, and career opportunities.
After returning to academia in the early 1980’s for a graduate degree in energy economics and political development at The Fletcher School, Dr. Wadia-Ells worked with community development groups in Zimbabwe as that nation’s long struggle against apartheid ended.
Next, she operated as a small town journalist in Brattleboro VT, under the guidance of the legendary UPI International Editor, Norman Runnion. Wadia-Ells then moved on to complete her PhD in women’s studies, before teaching over the next decade in Lesley University’s Adult Baccalaureate Program in Boston—helping women learn to fearlessly write their unspoken ideas and life stories. During this time, while raising her son, she also created national feminist conferences on once-ignored or banned topics including the landmark Women’s Ways of Knowing Study—exploring the personal growth dimensions within motherhood, and understanding the power of women’s menopausal years.
Her 1995 anthology, The Adoption Reader: Birth Mothers, Adoptive Mothers and Adopted Daughters Tell Their Stories (Seal Press, Seattle), helped define adoption as primarily a woman’s issue. Wadia-Ells’ column, “Honest Health”, published by the Gloucester Daily Times (MA), beginning in 2008, her long-time Busting Breast Cancer blog, and her 2013 e-book, Birth Control Drugs and Breast Cancer: Learn the Terrible Truth, all served to introduce many of the topics discussed in her 2019 book, Busting Breast Cancer: Five Simple Steps to Keep Breast Cancer out of Your Body, based on the new metabolic theory of cancer. She currently lives in Manchester by the Sea, MA.