Yes, Silicon Valley Health Institute was formerly titled: Smart Life Forum
An annual SVHI membership is $60 (1 year – 12 meetings).
Yes, each meeting costs $10 (cash or check) at the door for non-members. If you sign up for an annual SVHI membership, you only pay $60 for the year (that’s only $5 per meeting).
I signed up for my membership last weekend, and I was hoping to watch the live streamed talk this evening at 7 pm, but I cannot find the live stream. I did not receive any info on how to access it. Can you let me know?
Hi Amanda,
Unfortunately we no longer do the Live Streams but all presentations are recorded and can be replayed on our YouTube channel at this link:
How do I listen to your meeting when I can not come to Palo Alto???. I live in Tucson but came to your meeting when Katherine was starting the group. I am 76 now and learned a lot that has kept me alive and healthy at your meeting. Is Katherine still alive? If so I would like to connect with her again. The last time I talked to her she had moved to Sacramento with her partner and was doing Insurance selling I think. How do I get in touch with her now???
Hi Juanita,
We have YouTube channel that is updated monthly. All presentations are recorded and posted there within 2-3 weeks.