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January 22nd, 2021 Meeting (ZOOM): “How Teeth Affect Health” by David Kennedy, DDS

January 22nd, 2021 Meeting (ZOOM): “How Teeth Affect Health” by David Kennedy, DDS

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Main Presentation: “How Teeth Affect Health” by David Kennedy, DDS

January 22nd, 2021 @ 10:00 am to 12:00 pm PST

Toxins are a major contributor to inflammation, oxidative stress and disease. Fluoride and mercury are biohazards and toxins that create serious health problems. Fluoride may help a tooth when fluoride comes uno contact with the tooth, but fluoride leads into contact with a tooth, but does harm to the body and has been blamed for lowering
IQs by five or six points. Fluoride has been found in our food including Wheaties and Fruit Loops. Mercury, self also causes inflammation and serious health problems. Simply brushing teeth or a dental exam cause mercury vapors
to go into the body and brain. Learn more about these issues from Dr. Kennedy. He also will discuss how to remove mercury from the body.

About David Kennedy, DDS

David Kennedy, DDS received his DDS Degree from the University of Missouri at Kansas City Dental School in 1971. In the military, one of his duties was environmental cleanup of the Naval Training Center base for spilled dental mercury. In 1973, after the completion of his service obligation, Dr. Kennedy established his private practice in San Diego. He also established and helped build the Chicano Children’s Dental Health Center. In 1984, he founded the Preventive Dental Health Association. From 1988 to 1994 he served as Vice President and then President of the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology. In October 1995, Governor Pete Wilson signed AB733 into law which forces mandatory fluoridation of our water supply in all of California. The Legislature did this without examining the dangers such as hip fractures, cancer, dental fluorosis and other harmful effects, which have been linked to fluoride in the scientific literature.

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