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July 10th, 2023 Meeting (ZOOM): “How Reducing Inflammation and Understanding the Gut Microbiome Can Impact and Reverse Chronic Unexplained Illnesses” by Jose G Montoya, MD and Christine Rosche, M.P.H, C.N.S.

July 10th, 2023 Meeting (ZOOM): “How Reducing Inflammation and Understanding the Gut Microbiome Can Impact and Reverse Chronic Unexplained Illnesses” by Jose G Montoya, MD and Christine Rosche, M.P.H, C.N.S.

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Main Presentation: “How Reducing Inflammation and Understanding the Gut Microbiome Can Impact and Reverse Chronic Unexplained Illnesses” by Jose G Montoya, MD and Christine Rosche, M.P.H, C.N.S. 

July 10th, 2023 @ 12 pm PST

The world just witnessed the devastation brought by a significant virus pandemic.  A hyper-belligerent immune system is the primary reason the serious virus we all know about has taken more than 7 million lives as of 2023 and is affecting millions more whose lives are being shattered by the effects of longer term illness from a virus. Over the past 75 years, as humans are living longer, they have been selected to live with more overactive immune systems leading to unfolding epidemics of inflammatory illnesses such as multiple sclerosis, asthma, autism, and depression. Unlocking the signals driving inflammation can lead to the use of effective treatments including existing FDA-approved drugs and gut microbiome modulating agents. Learn how this approach has helped patients with the long term effects of aserious viral infection, myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).

*Learn how the Gut Microbiome is a significant contributor to how the challenging virus we all know about  and  chronic disease manifests.

* Understand the 7 keys to optimal digestive and microbiome health

* Identify how microbial diversity and abundance relates to lower inflammation

*Hear a summary of the latest research on the microbiome

*Discover how to identify your unique microbial fingerprint

*Which nutrition/supplements enhance your microbial health

About Gilberto Montoya, MD, FACP, FIDSA

Dr. José G. Montoya is originally from Barranquilla, Colombia. He is board certified in Infectious Diseases in the United States. He finished his Internal Medicine Residency at Tulane University and his Infectious Diseases Fellowship at Stanford University. He has published more than 200 articles and book chapters in peer review journals and books.

Dr. Montoya is considered an international authority in Toxoplasmosis and is currently the Director of the National Reference Laboratory for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Toxoplasmosis, the “Dr. Jack S. Remington Laboratory for Specialty Diagnostics” at the Sutter/Palo Alto Medical Foundation.

Dr. Montoya joined Summit Therapeutics as a Medical Advisor in December 2021 and founded the “Art and Science” boutique private medical practice in June of 2022.  “Art and Science of Medicine” ( focuses on ailments who do not have a home in the silos of conventional medicine including chronic unexplained illnesses such as CFS, ME, Long COVID, menopause.

About Christine Rosche, M.P.H, C.N.S.
She is Board Certified Nutrition Specialist and Microbiome Health Expert developed an integrative approach to digestive health  based on 25 years experience in the healthcare field.

She developed and taught courses to Stanford University Medical Center and is the author of 2 books, the latest  “Light Living, An Integrated Approach to Stress Management and Weight” with companion audio CD program.She has studied and worked with the leading functional and preventive medicine physicians in the United States and Europe/  Christine has maintained a private practice in medical nutrition therapy/health counseling since 1983 and specializes in customized digestive health/nutrition consulting for all types of stress and digestive issues including constipation, diarrhea, IBS, IBD, Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, SIBO, heartburn, absorption issues, gut permeability.  As a Licensed Heartmath (TM) Trainer she is pioneering the work of heart rate variability/biofeedback training for Stress Burnout and Gut Health. 
www,  – 650-856-3151

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