Main Presentation: “Where Are You On The Health – Disease Continuum?” by Thomas Lewis, PhD
November 19th, 2020 @ 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm PST
Medical diagnoses are actually artificial human-made terms. In reality, we all lie on health-disease continuums. When you cross a certain point on the continuum, you then suddenly have a disease.
In this presentation, we discuss the consequences of this model within the context of the current healthy / sick model. We will discuss how to measure where you are on the: 1. “risk” continuum, 2. physiological continuum, 3. pathology continuum and 4. Chronic disease continuum and how the measurements provide information on how to improve your placement on ALL the continuums. We will also present case studies that show how a broad range of diagnoses improve or disappear when following the recommendations derived from this continuum model.
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About Thomas Lewis, PhD
Dr. Thomas Lewis holds a Ph.D. from MIT and continuing education from the Harvard School of Public Health. Since his dad came down with Alzheimer’s 20 years ago, he has dedicated his life to determining how to better predict Alzheimer’s and chronic diseases in general.
Working with key clinicians at Harvard Medical School, his team developed advanced AI driven algorithms to predict a person’s mortality risk in both the near and distant future. Part of this algorithm is predictive capability for the major chronic diseases. He has coined this diagnostic protocol “4-Dimensions of Health” because the measurements span 4 dimensions: risks and other determinants of health, physiology, pathology, and existing disease states. All these measurements are designed to properly place anyone on a health-disease continuum.
The final feature of his program are robust protocols to help a person reduce their disease risk and burden, the success of which is measure across the 4 dimensions. Lastly, he designed this program with both individuals and populations in mind because all testing is widely available, often on-line, and very affordable. His continued mission is to build this testing into the standard-of-care as a replacement for the existing “sick care” approach with a new,
true “health care” approach.