Main Presentation: “Advanced Stool, Urine, and Hormone Tests For Vital Health and Improved Appearance – A Brief Introduction” by Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren, MD
September 17, 2020 @ 7:00 to 9:00pm PST
Dr. Tel-Oren MD will speak about special lab tests can inform you about digestive dysfunction, hormonal imbalance, metabolic errors, and toxic exposures that might lead to inflammatory changes, affecting your skin’s cellular health, integrity, and longevity, and causing unwanted and sometimes risky skin growths. Learn about these scientific tests and about natural approaches to control the inflammation and reduce long-term internal and external damage, successfully lowering disease risk while improving your health and appearance.
Including Q & A at the end of the lecture.
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About Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren, MD
Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren (“Dr. T”) MD, is a renowned health pioneer and inventor, focusing on natural principles, health, and sustainability. He is an educator, physician, university professor, holistic scientist and humanitarian.