Main Presentation: “Sun Replacement Therapy” by Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren, MD, DC, LN, DACBN, DABFM, DABOM, CCN, FABDA
Today’s obsessions with technology, light-deprived life, altered light rhythms, and imbalanced light spectra dramatically compromise our health by causing severe imbalance and deficiency of hormonal, neurological, behavioral, vascular, immunological, and dermatological photo-products, many of which are discussed below or within the book Embrace The Sun. Modern people shun the sun, stay up well past dusk, spend much of their time indoors, cover most of their skin during the day, and bombard themselves with artificial light at night. They alternate between deficiency of sunlight and excess of “junk” light, severely disrupting their natural clocks. This creates confusion in the signaling within our bodies, hampering our physiological functions, resistance to illness, and sense of well-being.
Furthermore, the fear of sunshine created by orthodox medicine and the pharmaceutical industry (both harnessing the commercial power of modern media, as documented in Embrace The Sun) has caused individuals to avoid the sun or apply sunscreen products, which block beneficial solar wavelengths. Certain populations hide their body from the sun because of religion or tradition, and others because of cold
weather. Many societies today reside in “unnatural” geographical latitudes (far away from the tropical origins of humanity), thanks to technological advancements that allow humans to survive (but not thrive) in regions exhibiting harsh conditions (shorter days, cold climate) during several months of each year.
Urban dwellers may suffer from blocked beneficial sunrays due to overcast skies, tall buildings, or persistent pollution particles. These disturbances to vital light rhythms and intensity have contributed to depression, cancer, hormone imbalances, anxiety, sleeping disorders, autoimmunity, allergies, cardiovascular disease, and other chronic illnesses.
So how can we reset our clocks, regain our vitality, improve our performance, prevent disease, and avoid severe deficiency of solar photo-nutrients, if our lifestyle, location, work, climate, clothing choices, traditions, pollution, or season won’t allow us to receive our daily dose of sunlight naturally?
The answer proposed in this article is Sun Replacement Therapy (SRT).
About Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren
Nut cheeses are a great item to have in your raw food recipe collection. They are tasty, easily support the addition of many herbs and spices, and will impress your raw and non-raw friends a like! There are a couple of different ways to make nut cheeses.You can make delicious nut cheeses with macadamia nuts, cashew nuts and many other nuts and seeds.
Jillian also runs the several Bay Area MeetUp Groups focused on Conscious Cuisine, Holistic Health and Sustainable Living. These local groups serve as community hubs for individuals interested in exploring conscious eating and optimal nourishment and engaging in lifestyle choices that sustain the planet. Jillian Love is committed to global transformation through conscious cuisine and is an advocate for food justice.
Jillian completed her certification as Associate Raw Food Chef from Living Light Culinary Arts Institute in October 2003. She has her Bachelor’s Degree in Communications and a Masters Degree in Counseling. She is a Certified Life Coach through The Coaches Training Institute and a Certified Master NLP Practitioner through NLP California. She has lead retreats, taught classes and provided raw and vegan dinners, menu consultations and trainings in the USA, India, Thailand, and Indonesia.
For more info, read the newsletter.
NOTE: Meeting starts promptly at 7pm. Main speaker presentation begins at 7:20 p.m.