Main Presentation: “COVID-19, Vitamin C and Other Factors” by Doris Loh
September 25, 2020 @ 1pm to 3pm PST
She will discuss her latest research on COVID 19 and the role of Vitamin C.
Meeting ID: 857 9175 4970
Passcode: 856736
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Meeting ID: 857 9175 4970
Passcode: 856736
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About Doris Loh
Doris Loh is an independent researcher and writer specializing in the investigation of familiar and innovative health topics using unique perspectives in traditional and quantum biology. Her training as a classical pianist allows her the freedom to explore concepts and theories with a curiosity that often results in distinctive conclusions. Recent works by Doris are focused on how health and disease are greatly affected by electromagnetic radiation that surround us everywhere we go. Her works on EMF offer insight and solutions to the challenges humans and other living organisms face during this era of change. Major works by Doris include an in-depth series on deuterium, as well as a startling series on the birefringent quantum properties of the major REDOX balancer, Vitamin C (ascorbic acid). The ongoing series on COVID-19 is recognized around the world for the in-depth coverage of the disease and discussion on holistic alternatives for prevention and treatment.