Main Presentation: “What is Contributing to COVID-19?” by Stephanie Seneff, PhD
September 9, 2020 @ 1:00pm – 3:00pm PST
Research has shown that pollution and chronic health conditions contribute to bad outcomes with the corona virus. Stephani postulates that biofuels are contributing to bad outcomes from COVID-19. She suspects that glyphosate is showing up as a contaminant in biofuels and it is damaging the lungs in such a way as to cause a person to succumb to COVID.
Curiously, the United States and Brazil are the top two countries in biofuels (see attached). The US, with 4.2% of the world’s population, accounted for 26% of the COVID deaths in mid-June. Brazil, with 2.7% of the world’s population, accounted for 11% of the deaths.
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About Stephanie Seneff, PhD
Dr. Stephanie Seneff is a Senior Research Scientist at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial ntelligence Laboratory in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. She has a BS degree from MIT in biology and a PhD from MIT in electrical engineering and computer science. She has published over 200 peer-reviewed papers in scientific journals and conference proceedings.
Her recent interests have focused on the role of toxic chemicals and micronutrient deficiencies in health and disease, with a special emphasis on the pervasive herbicide, Roundup, and the mineral, sulfur. She has authored over two dozen peer-reviewed journal papers over the past few years on these topics, and has delivered numerous slide presentations around the world.