Main Presentation: “Autoimmune Diseases: Can They Be Tamed?” by Dr. Tom O’Bryan
Spetember 2nd, 2020 @ 1pm to 3pm PST
Autoimmune diseases have increased at an alarming rate since the end of the Second World War with more than 80 autoimmune disorders. The National Institutes of Health estimates that at least 23.5 million Americans have an autoimmune disorder. By contrast cancer affects 13 million Americans. Autoimmunity leads to and exacerbates chronic diseases and is changing the face of medicine. Some researchers have found a link between autoimmune diseases and dementia
(Wotton CJ, Goldacre MJ. Associations between specific autoimmune diseases and subsequent dementia: retrospective record-linkage cohort stud, UK J Epidemiol community Health 201 Jun, 71 (6):576-83)).
Dr. Tom believes that it is important to find the underlying cause for a disorder rather than the diagnosis or the name of the disorder. He will discuss the key contributors to autoimmune disorders, and what can be done to halt, reverse, or prevent an autoimmune disease. Contributing factors to autoimmune disorders include genetic predisposition, a leaky gut and environmental factors such as heavy metals, chemical toxicants, viruses (such as Epstein Barr virus), nutritional status, and emotional stress (which can adversely affect the gut).
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About Dr. Tom O’Bryan
About Tom OBryanDr. Tom O’ Bryan is an internationally recognized speaker and writer on chronic diseases and metabolic disorders. He is considered the world expert on the impact of wheat sensitivity on autoimmunity. In 2013, he organized the Gluten Summit, the first internet gathering of more than 25 experts in a particular health field.
Dr O’Bryan has more than thirty years experience as a functional medicine practitioner and is a member of the teaching faculty at the Institute for Functional Medicine. He is the author of the autoimmune Fix. More information can be found on his website,