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April 21, 2016 Meeting: Russell Jaffe, MD, PhD, CCN “Healthy for Life …Evidence to Support Predictive Biomarkers for Lifetime Health”

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Main Presentation: Healthy for Life … Evidence to Support Predictive Biomarkers for Lifetime Health” by Russell Jaffe MD, PhD, CCN   Chronic health issues precipitate from a myriad of origins. Noticeably, a common set of root causes appear to be Cumulative repair deficits Oxidative damage Metabolic acidosis Evidence based clinical management of long-standing health issues, […]

March 17, 2016 Meeting: Alesso Fasano, MD “How Nutrition Can Shape Gut Microbiota And Its Implications In The Autoimmunity Epidemics: The Lesson Learned From Celiac Disease”

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Main Presentation: “How Nutrition Can Shape Gut Microbiota and its Implications in the Autoimmunity Epidemic: The Lesson Learned From Celiac Disease” Alessio Fasano, MD, is the W. Allan Walker Chair of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition and Chief of the Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition at Massachusetts General Hospital for Children (MGHfC). His visionary research, […]

February 18, 2016 Meeting, “Advances In Integrative Medicine” with Bernd Friedlander, DC, Len Saputo, MD, Sherry Fong, DC

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The American medical system is needs repair. Complex chronic illnesses cannot be properly treated with 10 minute office visits and expensive medications that address symptoms. Chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and high blood pressure afflict the majority of Americans and account for 75% of the $2.2 trillion spent on health care in America. This panel discussion […]

January 21, 2016 Meeting, “The Roles of Ultraviolet Radiation Exposure, Vitamin D, and Nutrition in Maintaining Optimal Health” with William B. Grant, PhD

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Main Presentation Speaker: William B. Grant, Ph.D. The main presentation topic this month will be on the roles of ultraviolet radiation exposure, vitamin D, and nutrition in maintaining optimal health. Dr. Grant has studied the roles of nutrition, ultraviolet radiation exposure, and vitamin D in the risk of disease starting in 1996 when he was working […]

December 17, 2015 Meeting, “The Wireless World of Communications and Our Health” with Beverly Rubik, PhD

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The Wireless World of Communications and Our Health with Beverly Rubik, PhD Beverly Rubik earned her Ph.D. in biophysics in 1979 at the University of California at Berkeley. She has had a life-long interest in frontier areas of science and medicine that go beyond the mainstream, and she is internationally renowned for her pioneering work. She […]

November 19, 2015 Meeting, “Advanced Nutrient Therapy for Brain Disorders” with William Walsh, PhD, FACN

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Advanced Nutrient Therapies for Brain Disorders with William J Walsh, PhD, FACN This presentation will summarize the biochemistry of the brain and the power of nutrients to normalize neurotransmitter synthesis, regulate gene expression of enzymes, and combat oxidative overload. The dominant nutrient imbalances that impact brain function will be presented along with therapies aimed at normalizing these factors. The […]

October 15, 2015 Meeting, “Parkinson’s Disease, neuroprotection and rehabilitation” with Steven Blake, ScD

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What factors protect our brain cells from destruction? When Parkinson’s disease is first diagnosed, 60% of the brain cells that produce dopamine may already have died. Those of us who are not diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease may already have lost some of our dopamine-producing brain cells. Even with Alzheimer’s disease, by the time that it […]

September 17, 2015 Meeting, “Bulletproof, biohacking, health and diet” with Dave Asprey

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“Willpower, Decision Making, and Food” with Dave Asprey Join well known biohacker Dave Asprey (of the Bulletproof Executive, biohacking and Bulletproof coffee), ranked the 11th most influential voice in health and wellness, who is also SVHI Chairman, to learn about how food impacts decision making and willpower. The talk covers the exact amount of ketones […]

August 20, 2015 Meeting, “New Approaches to cancer prevention and treatment” with Bernd Friedlander, DC, Len Saputo, MD, Ahvie Herskowitz, MD, and Richard Kunin, MD

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The Silicon Valley Health Institute August presentation will include a panel of speakers including Bernd Friedlander, DC, Len Saputo, MD, and Ahvie Herskowitz, MD. They will discuss new approaches for treating and preventing cancer. Expectations include learning about the following: Cancer causes and defenses Orthomolecular diagnosis of cancer factors Cancer prevention and reversal The effect of diet impact […]


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